7 Home Deep Cleaning Tips Laguna Beach & Mission Viejo

When we last left off, we here at Vacation Angels were providing some tips and pointers to make sure that your home deep cleaning experience is as efficient as possible. Without any further ado, let’s hop right back into it!

1. Coffee filters > paper towels for cleaning screens

Got a ton of dust on your television or computer screen? Put away those paper towels and expensive Swiffer cloths, and pick up a coffee filter instead. They work wonders on removing dust and fingerprints from neglected screens in your house, and are perfect for a solid home deep clean.

2. Dawn is the best option for fabric sofa stains

Take some Dawn dish detergent and mix it with equal parts water to make an extremely soapy concoction. Take this and rub it into the stain. Let it sit for ten to fifteen minutes, and then wipe off with a wet, clean microfiber cloth. Should work wonders on reducing or removing that pesky stain from your fabric sofa!

3. Use an iron to remove carpet stains with ease

No kidding! Spray the offending stain with a mixture of vinegar and water set with two parts water to one part vinegar. Once sprayed, put a damp, warm rag over the stain, and turn your iron to steam mode. Iron over the top of the rag for 30 to 60 seconds, and lift up the rag to see magic in the making. Talk about a solid home deep clean!

4. Don’t forget your shower liner and shower curtain!

This is so often forgotten with our customers at Vacation Angels, and makes a huge difference in those bathrooms with standard shower stalls or tubs. Tossing the shower curtain and liner, plastic or cloth, into the washing machine with a few towels will not only take care of mildew, soap scum and stains, but also will prevent wrinking. Add your standard laundry detergent and a cup of baking soda, then wash on warm settings.

5. Forget your teeth, brush your sink faucets instead

If you’re like most, your sink faucets are quickly and easily stained with deposits of hard minerals and gross grime. To alleviate this, put some baking soda on a wet toothbrush, dip it in water, and scrub scrub scrub to get brand new looking results from your once-dingy faucet.

6. Don’t neglect your closet floors

If there is one carpeted room in a house that is usually overlooked when vacuuming, it’s the closet. This makes sense, as its rarely used and rarely seen. However, dirt and dust and hair still accumulate on these floors, especially when there is no airflow. Make closet vacuuming part of your standard home deep cleaning routine to take things to the next level.

7. While you have your vacuum out…

…vacuum out your dryer’s lint filter! Dusty dryer ducts are a common cause of household fires, which is why it’s crucial to regularly clean them out. This is double duty, getting the lint filter more clean than what a simple swipe would do, and also preventing a devastating house fire.

Home deep cleaning for the everyday home hero

We hope you’ve enjoyed these home deep cleaning tips from the deep cleaning experts at Vacation Angels!