cleaning services anaheim - cutting the clutter

No one likes living in a messy home. Let Vacation Angels, a top-rated cleaning services in Anaheim, help you declutter with our tips and tricks!  Clutter is more than just an inconvenience. It can have a negative impact on your mental, emotional and physical health.

Cluttered spaces are more difficult to keep clean, right? This creates an environment where dust, pet dander, pests and even dangerous mold can thrive. These factors can be especially harmful to family members with allergies, asthma or other skin or respiratory conditions. And in extreme situations, clutter can become a fire hazard.

Clutter can cause our emotional well-being to suffer as well. According to a study of 32 California households conducted by UCLA’s Center on Everyday Lives and Families (CELF), clutter can negatively impact mood and self-esteem, particularly among women. Researchers found that the more “stuff” their homes contained, the higher women’s levels of the stress.

Women also believed that the state of their homes reflected the happiness and success of their families.  Creating pressure to maintain a clean home and shame when they were unable to do so. While men in the study weren’t as bothered by clutter as women, researchers noted this disconnect can cause conflict over whose responsibility it is to clean up or increased time spent searching for lost items among the junk.

Tackling the clutter may seem overwhelming, but by taking just a few simple steps, you can get clutter under control.

Addressing Clutter

  • Address one room at a time. If you haven’t used—or even looked at—an item in the past year, donate it to charity or throw it away.
  • Return extraneous items to their proper room and place.
  • Take a few minutes each night to go through mail, children’s school papers and any other paperwork. Keep what you need and toss the rest to keep papers from piling up on countertops and tables.
  • Make it a game. Set a timer for 15 or 20 minutes and sort through as much of the mess as you can, putting things away in their proper place. This is a fun way to get the kids involved in cleaning, and it’s short enough to squeeze into most days, which keeps clutter build-up to a minimum.
  • When kids ask for a new toy or book, donate an old one they no longer use before purchasing the new item.

Once you’ve conquered the clutter problem, take the opportunity to have your home deep-cleaned to eliminate the dust, dirt and mold that may have collected over time. Enlist the professionals at Vacation Angels, one of the most trusted cleaning services in Anaheim. When they leave, you’ll have the peace of mind that comes with knowing your home is a safe and healthy haven for you and your family.